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Cyqur Core

Use Cyqur Free!

Unlimited device access for storing up to
50 text-based secrets.

Users: Single User
Device Access: Unlimited devices.
Secret Management:  Store up to 50 text-based secrets
(e.g., notes, PINs, secret phrases, banking credentials, MFA
back up codes).
Data Sharding: Secrets are uniquely fragmented, encrypted,
and stored across three separate cloud locations for enhanced security.
Secure Sharing of secrets with one designated Cyqur user.
User Support: Access to FAQ and community forums.
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Cyqur Core

Use Cyqur Free!

Unlimited device access for storing up to 50 text-based secrets.

Submit Mobile Email Form
Users: Single User
Device Access: Unlimited devices.
Secret Management:  Store up to 50 text-based secrets
(e.g., notes, PINs, secret phrases, banking credentials, MFA
back up codes).
Data Sharding: Secrets are uniquely fragmented, encrypted,
and stored across three separate cloud locations for enhanced security.
Secure Sharing of secrets with one designated Cyqur user.
User Support: Access to FAQ and community forums.